Delta Innovative Solutions
With a superior duty structure, the AMGO AX-16A can handle alignment services for wheelbases ranging from 96” to 184”, catering to various vehicles from cars to long-wheelbase trucks and vans, supporting weights up to 16000lbs. Equipped with both hydraulic and mechanical locks for enhanced safety, the AX-16A stands out as the top choice for your extreme missions.
• 2 dual synchronous cylinders are used to assure the optimal lifting level on both platforms
• Electro-air control system, which operates the self-lock safety mechanism
• Heavy-duty design, the X serial scissors lift uses a 5 7/8″ x 3″ tube to make it stronger and assures the runways remain level during operation
• Skid proof diamond platform
• Optional rolling jacks:
– RJ-8A: 8,000 lbs with pneumatic pump
• More choices:
Optional turnplate Kits No. 40101
Optional led lights Kits No. PX010
Optional extension Kits No. PX003
Optional airline KitsNo. PX004